Toxic Religion

by | Connect with God | 0 comments

It seems like everywhere we turn, something is being labeled as toxic. There are toxic foods, toxic work environments, and even toxic masculinity! 

While there are always extremes, toxicity is a real thing, especially when it comes to religion.

Cleansing a toxic religious environment is what happened on Monday during that first Holy Week. You can read the story here.

Simply put, Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers and chased them out of the temple! It’s one of the few times that Jesus got angry. He was ticked because they were using extortion, manipulation, and coercion in the name of religion. 

There will always be those in our midst that use religion for their own gain. And while we should challenge such behavior, it’s more important to focus on the one who meets us where we are, Jesus. 

He’s not about manipulation, but rather, transformation. 

During this Holy Week, may we be reminded of that truth that transforms: God meets us where we are and helps us become who we need to be.  

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